Deposits at the Egg Bank...

Morning of February 6, 2013

As has been suggested many times previous to this week, I realized after giving my wife her HCG shot directly in her derriere that I actually AM a pain in the a...well, "butt"

So...we are sitting right now in the day surgery waiting room at UCH, same place that we set up shop when she had her mastectomies, which is a strange place to be with that memory so readily available.  We have checked in and are just waiting to be taken back for all the pre-op stuff because its time to harvest the happy huevos! Jeydriennes people, thats what is at stake here.  Hopefully this is completely preventative, and we never actually have to use these eggs, but we are going to act in the belief that if we have them, we'll never have to use them; whereas if we didnt have them we would...that's some Murphy thing I think.

This is supposed to be a quickie here, I think we are staring at about a half hour for the actual surgery, which hopefully means we'll be done around 8:45-9:00.  Here's hopin'!

Pray please, that there are mature eggs in the follicles, (apparently the possibility exists that even after all of this stimulation and effort and money that there might not even be any viable eggs in there).  Pray also please that the actual surgery of course goes well and that she comes through flying on her colors or whatever and that this is just remembered as "no big deal".  I would love that to be the indicator of how this all went an how her body responds.  Neither of us slept very well last night and yes, its just one night, but that makes this whole deal a little bit more stressful.

I'll let you know how things are going and when she is out of surgery...have a great day!


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