
November 14, 2012  12:40pm

Howdy folks,
Quick note to follow up with the post-op appt we had yesterday.  It was kind of a whirlwind afternoon - she had an ultrasound done as a part of the fertility treatments which gratefully was not nearly as big a deal as we thought it might be.  Turns out the girl is an egg producing machine, something like 25 per ovary, which is promising when it comes to egg banking!  We then got to knock out both appts at once with the surgeon and the reconstructive surgeon, they came in together which was nice.  It was sort of amusing because the surgeon is also a professor of surgery and she brought her entourage of two med students, dudes who both looked incredibly uncomfortable at the site of the chest of a young woman who had just had a double mastectomy.  Poor young lads, they were trying so hard to be respectful and not stare which was real good cause one of 'em was about to get his knees broken had he looked at her one more time.

Both surgeons were overall happy with the progress of healing, except for the fact that there is one spot on the right breast that is actually blistering a little and the reason for that as we understand is that that particular area isnt getting very good blood flow so it isnt healing quite right.  We have another appt on Friday morning to follow up with it and if she doesn't like how it looks she is going to do another minor surgery and cut that section of skin out and restitch the skin together...which leads me to my first prayer request of you all - 

PLEASE for the love of Mike pray that this sucker heals enough by then that the surgeon decides it's on a good road and she doesn't need to do surgery again.  Ade really, REALLY doesn't want to have to do any more and is pretty scared of the idea of having to do more.  I'm not real fond of the idea of her having to have any more surgery either. 

Its frustrating from that aspect, but on a positive note our sleep is getting better, her pain is more managed and less present and she is much more mobile and alert.  She only got up 3 times last night for pain meds as opposed to the 5-6 times it had been that's good!

Our lovely friend Holly is here for the week from CA to hang out with her for fun and also to allow me to get a few days of work in in the next few days...which I can't decide if I want to do or not.  The idea of real life is kind of a drag right now to be honest.  Its been a long long week and an even longer month and a half and I think both of us are still in hunker-down mode...I am anyway.

I think I'll call that an update and go back to watching 27 Dresses - shut up, its a good movie. More on Friday when we know what is going to happen with the incisions!  Thanks for your prayers and your support, we love you all so incredibly much!


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