February 14, 2013
So, quick update on the patient - she has been sacked out really since we left the hospital. Super groggy, tired and achy. She's really kind of cute actually, she laid on the couch all night while I watched the Biggest Loser and almost an entire season of How I Met Your Mother. Fabulously cerebral television there.
Achy is the big issue right now, and actually she can't seem to pee, which is interesting. They tell you to drink lots of water to help flush the chemo drugs from your system, and she has made every effort to do so, but is retaining water like it's her job, which as you can imagine makes this little experience that much more enjoyable. I assume you sense my sarcasm...?
I think that finding tonight's exercise in sleep a success shan't be an issue, but only tomorrow morning will tell. Like I said, she is suuuuuuuper groggy and tired, which is a standard side-effect of chemotherapy; but hopefully that will play well for her in allowing her to sleep after taking the second dose of steroid, which can apparently make you hyper and loopy and keep you up. Ugh...
Holy crap, my wife just had an infusion of chemotherapy. THAT'S a weird thing to say.
Some things you just don't plan for, ya know? That wasn't in the manual.
Thanks for checking in with her and for loving well on us today. So far so good, but what I am gathering is that if its going to get ugly, its going to be tomorrow/Saturday/Sunday when the nastiness of chemo will rear its ugly little head. She's had a little bit of the metallic taste in the back of her mouth and in her nose a little I guess, but it also seems to not have been too prevalent during dinner and such tonight - which, incidentally she did eat dinner. No nausea so far...here's hopin'!
Thanks gang, much love. Pray for us for sleep (that actually produces rest) and for minimal side-effects. Pray for her heart, this is a lot to take in for her and us.
Until another time, I bid you adieu...
PRAYING...for rest, for as much comfort as possible, for strength and the will power to get through this crazy stuff!! LOVE you guys!!